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11 “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

1 John 4:11

Yesterday, we learned that love is about Jesus paying the ultimate price for our sins.

In verse 11, John calls his readers (whom he addresses as “beloved”) to be motivated by the love of God to love one another. Their love should be identified by selflessness and willingness to sacrifice for others.

John’s appeal mirrors the OT admonition to be holy just as God is holy (Leviticus 11:44-45). The idea behind these commands is for believers to follow the example and character of their Father in heaven. Our mandate to love one another is the result of God’s lovingkindness toward us. Therefore, it is a key motivation for Christian love.

Just like how a child imitates his parents, so should we walk according to the words of our Heavenly Father. We’re blessed to be living on this side of eternity—in this age—after the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Because He came to earth, we know what God is like. He proved that someone who is yielded to God is capable of rendering justice, showing righteousness, extending mercy, and demonstrating sacrificial love.

Out of the thirteen words that make up this verse, one root word appears three times: “love.” This is John’s way of reminding us today of how important it is to be filled with love, not only for God but also for others. In fact, our love for God is proven by our love for others.

May God give us a deep appreciation of His love and motivate us to have selfless love for our brothers and sisters.

Pursue the Savior today!