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5 “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!”

2 Corinthians 13:5

Have you ever felt so distant from God and doubted your salvation? You’re not alone, and God doesn’t want you to feel that way.

There are moments in our Christian walk when we feel spiritually low, which can cause us to doubt our relationship with God. Whether it’s a momentary moral failure or confusion about a certain doctrine, doubt can easily cloud our minds.

What should we do when doubt obscures our spiritual vision?

I’d be lying if I told you I never experience doubt. I think that since we know in part, it is natural for us humans to have healthy skepticism. But I don’t think God takes pleasure when we are unsure whether we’re heavenbound or not either.

To help you overcome doubt and be convinced of your spiritual condition, this miniseries aims to give you four things about salvation you need to know.

First, salvation is proven by God’s indwelling presence in a believer.

In today’s verse, Paul asks the Corinthians to evaluate themselves to determine whether or not they belong to the Lord. He argues that their lives should show signs of salvation.

In context, the Corinthians asked for proof that Paul spoke for Christ (verse 3). But instead of accommodating their distrust, Paul challenges them to examine themselves. In Romans 8:9, he writes that Christ lives in each believer through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.

To add weight to his argument, Paul adds, “Unless indeed you fail to meet the test!” This statement is, by no means, intended to question if the Corinthians are true believers (this epistle is written to Christians).

The assurance of salvation does not come from within us. Instead, it is ratified by the very word of God. The authority of Scripture tells us—and therefore should convince us—that we have been born again. This conviction should take place at the moment of salvation. But as time passes, God allows us to see other indications of conversion, including a desire for holiness, a hatred for sin, and love for fellow Christians.

Pursue the Savior today!