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 5 “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh,”

Romans 8:5a

If you are a Bible-reading person, you probably have come across the terms “fleshly, worldly, or carnal.” When you look at it, you perhaps are thinking about murderers, drug dealers, or plunderers. But did you know that you don’t have to be a notorious criminal to be a carnal person?

Romans Chapter 5 talks about the Christian’s security. Believers cannot be condemned and nothing can ever separate them from the love of God. It is an encouraging place in Scripture where you and I can get inspiration, especially when we face spiritual battles.

However, this chapter doesn’t only cover the positive aspects; it also explores the negative aspects of the spiritual life. It gives us a clear description of what it means to live in the flesh, which I’m sure will help us better understand this week’s topic.

Looking at these verses at face value, you would think that Paul is writing to unbelievers (but why would he?). However, he isn’t. This book was written for believers spread all across the Roman Empire. As such, the issue must’ve taken place within Christian circles. That said, I do not imply that the churches in Rome were guilty of such things.

Our relationship with God does not necessarily take away our sinful nature; that part of our person remains in us. It will continue being here perhaps for as long as we live. Therefore, our struggle with sin will always be true and real. I’m convinced that it is our job to be mindful of the spiritual warfare we’re in and filling our minds with the right things is a good place to start.

In this series, we will learn to recognize when we are drifting from being Spirit-minded to fleshly-minded.

Pursue the Savior today!