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13 “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.”

1 John 5:13

Some people believe that it is impossible to know whether one is saved or not. Is it?

John starts an entirely new passage where he tells us the purpose of writing this epistle.

Today’s verse is quite similar to John 20:31. The writer wants his readers to be certain that their faith in Jesus Christ guarantees them eternal life. This knowledge is more than mere intellectual assent. The Greek term “eido” is experiential knowledge of something.

John uses this verse as a counter to the false teachers who are claiming to have a special “knowledge” but their lives are contrary to that claim.

John is writing to men and women who have trusted Jesus for their salvation, and because they have put their faith in the Son of God, they have eternal life. He wants them to be confident about their standing with God and the certainty of their heavenly citizenship.

With that in mind, being a member of God’s family is completely knowable. The word of God gives us this assurance. God revealed Himself and His plan of redemption to enable us believers to have peace of mind, knowing that no matter what happens in this life, we know that we are heaven-bound.

We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by those who promote ideas that contradict Scripture. These people claim to be somewhat superior to others but their lifestyles speak volumes of the truth. God does not want us to fix our gaze on men but on Christ. He vowed that if we believe in Him, eternal life is a certainty.

Pursue the Savior today!